
The History of the Holden Racing Team will be a “must have” record for motor sport fans of a dazzling story in the most successful year yet for Australian Touring car racing.

A Tribute to the Holden Racing Team- Tom Walkinshaw
Disc One

Examine the origins of the HRT in 1988 with Tom Walkinshaw Racing, meet the drivers who brought the team so much success, recapture the great moments in the Championship and The Great Race, Bathurst, talk to the people behind the team’s success, as well as looking at the team today and its new directions under champion driver Mark Skaife. The History of the Holden Racing Team will be a “must have” record for motor sport fans of a dazzling story in the most successful ear yet for Australian Touring car racing.
(90 mins running time)

Disc Two
This DVD is hosted by Will Hagon very special tribute to the founder of HRT, Mr Tom Walkinshaw, who sadly passed away in December 2010. On this DVD, we look at Tom’s first visit to Bathurst in 1984, his shocking debut, then his team’s win in a Jaguar in 1985.

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