Kevin Dockery fully illustrated with photos
544 pages
This painstakingly researched volume covers the armament and ammunition that have served the SEALs, tracing each weapon from the development stage to its current form. Also included are exclusive accounts from those who first witnessed these weapons in action. Written with the cooperation of the UDT/SEAL Museum Association in Florida and packed with detailed information and photos, this book offers fresh insight into the technology that has for decades sustained the Navy SEALs as an unstoppable military force and continues to make them the most dangerous warriors in the world.
Includes information on rare weapons modified for the SEALS and the regular issue Weapons from Normal Supply Channels. The M4A1 Carbine, Sidearms, Knives, Aircraft, Watercraft, And Much More! Tracing Each Weapon from The Development Stage to Its Current Form. Contains Data and Photos Not Found Elsewhere.
Offers Insight into The Technology (Common, Unusual and Rare) That Has Sustained the Navy Seals as An Unstoppable Military Force for Decades -- And Continues to Make Them the Most Dangerous Warriors in the World.
Written With the Cooperation of The Men Who Used the Weapons and The Manufacturers Who Developed and Made Them.